All Freedom Elementary Pre-K classes will be visiting the pumpkin patch at First United Methodist Church in Lawton.
\r\nWe will be visiting the Pumpkin Patch at 10:00, and then return to Ft. Sill to have lunch and recess at the Functional Fitness Center on Craig Rd.
\r\nPlease fill out and return the attached permission slip and $1.00 by Thursday, October 12.\r\n
Classes going Monday, October 23 Classes going Wednesday, October 25\r\n
\r\nDugger Baker\r\n
\r\nGardner Porter\r\n
\r\nHenry Rooney\r\n
\r\nHull Weiss\r\n
Parent volunteer info:\r\n
\r\n- Each class needs 2 parent volunteers. Contact your child’s teacher to see if spots are still available. \r\n
- Parents must complete FERPA training with Mrs. Shanklin PRIOR TO the day of the field trip.\r\n
- No younger siblings, please. This is a class field trip and we need your help supervising the students.\r\n
\r\n**Please contact your child’s teacher if you have additional questions.\r\n